
We can install new power outlets and light fittings as well as alter existing switching arrangements, such as 2 and 3 way switching. This includes external and internal fittings and entirely new buildings, we always work towards future proofing our work and focus on making further work more cost effective. We always strive to give the customers the right advice when it comes to lighting design of a space, for example, having fans and lights too close together can cause a strobe effect.

Safety Services

Particularly old buildings may not have existing safety services such as smoke alarms and safety switches. These old buildings often require a switchboard upgrade to comply with current standards, but what you may not know is that once the upgrade is complete, installing additional services, such as Air-conditioning and electric cook-tops become much easier to install in the future. You may also not know that there is a regulation in the building code that there must be a smoke alarm installed within 2 meters of every bedroom door and in old buildings with poor fireproofing and a dried out hardwood structure you may have very little time to escape during a fire.

Fault Finding

Does a circuit breaker keep tripping? A fuse keep blowing? Maybe you get a funny tingling feeling off of a metal appliance, or even your copper water piping. These are all symptoms of a hidden electrical fault and leaving the fault could eventually cause some serious damage to something or someone, don’t just sweep it under the rug, a life may depend on it.

Call Today: 0434 052 215 or 0411 732 122

Email: macedonelectrical@gmail.com